Informative video: Discrimination, prejudice, stereotype

Human Rights House Zagreb videos on discrimination

Discrimination can take on various forms and is not always simple to recognize. Individuals can behave in a discriminatory manner, but a measure, a rule or a system can also be discriminatory. Discrimination can be direct or indirect, and harassment based on protected characteristics, as well as sexual harassment and segregation, are also considered discrimination.

Discrimination is a behavior that results from prejudices and stereotypes.

Prejudices are the attitudes we have towards members of a group solely because they belong to that group or because we perceive them as belonging to that group. In other words, prejudices are emotionally charged, preconceived attitudes about something we simply don’t know enough about.

Stereotypes are cognitive generalizations that attribute the same characteristics to most or all members of a group while ignoring the actual differences between them. Stereotypes help us simplify our complex social environment, but this mechanism can become fertile ground for the development of prejudices.

We all have prejudices and stereotypes, some of which are particularly deeply rooted at individual or societal levels. However, this cannot justify discriminatory treatment – we have the ability to decide on how we act. We are able to work on becoming aware of our own prejudices and stereotypes, as well as our social position, and take a critical look. Discrimination occurs when, as individuals and as a society, we fail to inform ourselves and grow, allowing prejudices and stereotypes to guide us into behaviors that cause harm and perpetuate injustice.

To explore these topics, Human Rights House Zagreb has disseminated a series of three videos to learn more about discrimination: What is discrimination, Who to report discrimination to, and What to do if you witness discrimination or harassment.

The series of three videos was produced within the social media campaign of the Butterfly Effect.

The content is intended for youth, but also parents, teachers and anyone who wants to make a step towards dismantling their own prejudices, offer and receive help, and learn how to actively contribute to building an environment where there are no conditions for discrimination to thrive.

Get informed, get empowered, and contribute to building a more just and solidary society!

What is discrimination?

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